con il patrocinio della PROVINCIA DI TREVISO

the project

Giappone 2002: Kiyomizuzaka

The idea is not to be bound to the common destinations, which are considered objectively beautiful, but we want to see something else, such as the daily beauty, the differences and the common features between our cultural identity and that of the population who we are going to meet in our travel.

Our purpose is the discovery, the knowledge of suburban neighbourhood, which is really true and intact as the influence of the foreign contamination has been less intense. Moreover, we would like to see all those places considered less interested because they are not included among the common tourist destination. Nevertheless, in our journey we are going to visit the classical and renowned destinations too, paying particular attention to those places declared by the Unesco as property of the humanity.

Besides the common purposes of knowledge and discovery, which are innate in every tourist, we set us collateral aims.

First of all, the main aim is that of to know and visit some human organizations turned to social recovery, to medical and health service. We refer particularly to all ONG and ONLUS, especially in Latin America, Africa, and South East Asia, which work for sustenance of the local people.

Spagna 2003: Gerona

Then, we would like to go deep into a matter that we have it at heart: that of "Trevigiani" all around the world. We well know that until not so many years ago the phenomenon of the emigrations has characterized the Italian history, particularly that of Veneto, as at that time our citizens were forced to leave their country and move towards different places all around the world because of the big internal crises, which Italy had to face. We though it could be interesting to get in touch with the Italian emigrants, who we are going to meet in our journey. The purpose of this meeting should be to understand what the meaning of starting a new life in another country is, especially when there is a new way of living completely different from the Italian one. We would like to find out whether the new generations of emigrants are, in a certain way, still bounded to their origins or not and if they wish to keep the culture of Veneto alive in their families. In addition, we will be interested to know how they do this custom and pass it on, if some associations are born and at what level.

Obviously, the phenomenon of the emigration has been already documented in the history books but in these books there is no hint of the human suffering or delights these people felt.

As much as possible, we thought to pay more attention to the development of the Veneto dialect language all around the world. Actually, as years go by the Veneto dialect has been modified by the progressive disuse and by the changes of the society even more multiracial and multiethnic. Our conviction is that that in the community of Veneto abroad there is a pure and original dialect or, at least, different from that spoken in Italy nowadays.

To realize this hard project, we have thought to involve the numerous Associations of our territory in Treviso, which always take care of creating lines of communication with all the Italian emigrants around the world.

Italia 2003: L'arco naturale di Capri

The concretisation of our project will happen through a series of interview (a film documentation), in which we will tell the peculiar stories, the vicissitudes and the expectations of all the emigrants' families who we will meet along our journey. Moreover, we have prepared a brief standard questionnaire, from which to create a sort of database, a starting point for any further inquires (statistics, historical series, etc...).

The third aim is strictly linked with the Province of Treviso. We have thought to involve in this project also an Institutional Subject, which besides better representing our origins from Treviso can share our interest in spreading the activity of the "Trevigiani" in the world. Consequently, we have been at work to know the projects of international collaboration of the Province of Treviso and we have discovered with pleasure that some of them are placed along our travel way. Thanks to this, we will be able to get an important film documentation.

Our last aim is merely academic. It is about finding a link and a practical verification with specific matters faced during our course of study. In particular, as regards Paolo Pozzobon (graduate in "Town and Environment Territorial Planning"), his interest is aimed to the observation of the territorial growth of the informal and spontaneous districts, which characterized the big cities of the developing countries. Concerning with Dionigi Pivetta (graduate in Law), his attention is paid to the respect of the human rights formally recognized in nearly every Constitutional Acts, even though not always followed. Finally, Andrea Paccagnan (graduate in "Market Economy and Financial Institutions" and final-year undergraduate in Eastern Languages and Culture") is interested in the economic aspect and, especially, in the phenomenon of the globalisation and its effects. The second course of study, however, implies explicitly an interest in improving his linguistic abilities.  Silcart